Discover A Fun Way To Manifest

I love the idea of thinking of the Universe as a big Xerox machine. It just produces multiple copies of your thoughts. The sad part is the thoughts you think today are the same thoughts you will have tomorrow. The only way to change your life is to change your thoughts. This may sound simple but you have 60,000 thoughts running around in your head a day and maybe more. How do you change your thinking? For most of us we have a thought, which sparks the idea. Then we talk about it with excitement, which gives it added energy. Then we put our idea into action which produces a result.

But it’s not really the thought that needs to be changed. It’s the core belief or the sponsoring thought that started you thinking in a certain way. Isn’t that easier than trying to change all your thoughts?

The easiest way to change a core belief is to start feeling and acting the way you want. Let’s say your core belief is not enough money. You have to start training your brain to see that you do have enough.

In order to feel as though you have enough you have to flip your thoughts and feelings around to enough. It’s about showing your brain there is enough. A good affirmation is I have enough. Then prove it to yourself. Go to your cupboards and look at all the can and packaged food you have. Then say out loud, “I have enough.”  Go to your closet and look at all the clothes and shoes you have and say, “I have enough.”  Go to the bathroom and look at all your make-up and say, “I have enough.”  Look in your wallet and say, “I have enough.”  Here’s a secret, if your wallet is empty go to the bank and get a $100 dollar bill or at least a couple of $20’s. Keep this money in your wallet at all times. If you spend it replace it right away.

Play a game with the money. I have enough to buy this or that, but right now I’m choosing not to. I’m so glad I have enough money today to buy what I want. Open your wallet and tell yourself I have enough and you really do have enough at this moment in time. You are training your mind to know that you do have enough.  You have enough right now to do what you want when you want. You have enough to go to the movies. You have enough to out to lunch. You have enough to buy yourself a treat. But you are choosing differently.

Start noticing how you are feeling when you say, “I have enough.” Practice walking with confidence feeling successful and prosperous. I have a pair of shoes that when I put them on I feel strong and powerful. The days I wear those shoes I get more respect. What can you wear to feel prospers? Is there an outfit that you love, but never wear? Why not start wearing it today and feel good about yourself.

Now as you go about your day watch your language. Listen to yourself talk. Be on the alert for when you say, “I don’t have enough.” It could be not enough time, not enough money, not enough love, and not enough happiness. The list could go on and on. It’s time to break the cycle. Stop the thoughts or words right away and step into your successful self. Act as if you do have enough. How would you feel if you had enough money? How would you talk to yourself and how would you show up differently? These are a few questions to ponder.

Now if you are having a really hard time with your mind chatter or limiting beliefs. I would love to help you unlock your prosperity from the inside.

I’m known as the abundant mindset expert who intuitively clears prosperity blocks. My specialty is shifting the inner game and releasing stuck emotions so that you can attract more money, success, prosperity and happiness in your life.

Just email me at and put “mindset” in the subject line. I would love to hear from you. 




Trouble Asking for Help?

I was humming along on Friday. I just finished my third interview for the day when my stomach started to hurt. The next day I had a slight fever and didn’t feel chipper so I laid low living off rice and binge watch romance movies. The next day I felt a little better and drove one hour to meet a friend for lunch and pick up a yard statue of two dolphins jumping out of the water.

Mondays rolls around and I put in a normal work day, which causes me to relapse on Tuesday. A friend said, “If I don’t get better by Thursday I’d better call the doctor.” Well that was enough to put fear into me. Doctors, no way! See I don’t like the doctor’s world after the cancer event. Besides I was just there a few weeks back and all they did was send me home with a few pill. I can heal myself.

I started with down orange-red ray of light to clear and burn away all toxic bugs and virus. I called forth Archangel Raphael and asked for a healing. Then I did Reiki on my stomach and intestines.  I had a bowl of rice and went to bed at 7pm. During the night I woke up dripping wet from the fever. By morning I was well again.

My question is why do we wait to ask for help? It wasn’t until I had a relapse did I do anything about it. Why don’t we ask for help? Why do we suffer unnecessary?

What I learned from the experience is that I’m stubborn. I go through the pain and suffering until I can’t stand it anymore, then I ask for help. What if I ask for help right away? Help is always there for us but for some reason we think we have to do it on own. Where in your life are you being stubborn and not asking for help?

If you are having a really hard time asking for help I’d love to have a conversation with you to see if I can help you. Just email me at and put “mindset” in the subject line. I would love to hear from you.  


3 Steps for Success

There is no simple solution to being successful, but there are some simple things that you can regularly do to achieve success in all areas of your life. Here are three simple steps that you can begin applying today to be successful.

The first step is to be clear about your goals and desires. You can’t be indecisive about what you want. You can’t keep changing your mind all the time and then wonder why you never achieve your goals. You have to be very clear.

You may be wondering why this is so important. When you’re clear about your goals and desires you give your mind a very clear set of instructions to follow. If you continually change your mind your subconscious cannot create what you want because it gets confused. Just as your subconscious mind gets started on one goal, you change your focus and you want something else.

Then your subconscious has to start all over again to achieve your new goal, because you changed your mind. If you change your mind again and again and again, guess what? Your subconscious has to start all over again and again. And the cycle continues as you keep changing your mind. Then you wonder why nothing ever happens in your life.

Your subconscious cannot attract the right people, situations and circumstances if you continually change your mind about what you want, because you’re not giving it enough time to do what you want it to do. Your subconscious mind will only create more and more confusion for you, if you remain uncertain about what you want.

People who cannot make up their minds or are indecisive rarely, if ever, achieve success, because their subconscious mind does not have a clear instruction and it is not given the right amount of time to guide them to success, because they keep changing their minds.

Getting clear about your goals is so important that it’s the first step. If you’re not sure what you want take some time to think about what is most important to you. Then think about what will have the greatest positive impact on your life. Start with those two questions and give yourself some time to answer them.

The second step is to stay committed to your goals. Don’t change your mind. This is how you get your subconscious mind working for you. When you’re clear and committed to your goals you give your subconscious the time it needs to help you achieve your goals. Start training your mind to help you achieve your goals.

Life is full of ups and down. Once you have made up your mind to what it is that you want take action on it every day. If you run into a bump along the way remind yourself why you what your desire.

Take a moment and think about a cargo ship crossing the ocean. This ship is clear on its destination. In China they load the ship full of cargo to be delivered in the San Francisco area. The ship sets off for its destination on course and as the ship starts to cross the ocean it wonders off course. The captain course corrects as he is committed to getting the ship to Northern California. This course correction happens many times until the ship reaches its destination. The same could be true with you and your desire. You start off all excited about your goal. Then you hit a few rough patches. You have to course correct and stay committed to your desired goal until you reach the finish line.

The last step requires that you keep an open mind. Be open to any and all possibilities. Learn as much as you can about what you want to achieve. Take a look at others who have had success and see what they have done that you could do. Don’t think that you have to know everything or that there is only one way to achieve your goals. You may find a new way to achieve your goal that would be very fulfilling.

When you’re open to all possibilities you empower your subconscious mind by letting it guide you to the choice or the option that is best for you and most fulfilling.

If you are not open to possibilities, then you limit your mind. You don’t allow it to help you achieve your goals in the quickest, safest and most beneficial way for you. Give your subconscious mind a chance to guide you and explore all possibilities.

This means that sometimes the decision that you want to make may not be the best decision. Take a moment to consider all options and focus on making the right decisions. When you focus on making the right choices and the right decisions you basically instruct your subconscious mind to guide you and help you make the right decision.

If you are always afraid that you will make the wrong decision, then you’ll likely make a choice that you are not happy with. We all face tough decisions every day, but if you focus on making the right decisions you will. Because when you focus on making the right choice you are instructing your subconscious mind to guide you and to help you make the right choice.

Look at all of the options, and focus on making the right choices. Don’t rush a decision, instead give your mind a chance to guide you to the right choice. Remember, get clear about your goals and decide what you want. Be open to any and all possibilities as you never know how you may achieve your goal or what might work for you. Make the right decisions by getting your mind to help you make the right choices so that you live the life you want.

You can achieve your goals. You can live the life you want. Get clear on your goals. Be open to all possibilities and allow yourself to make better decisions.

Why it’s Important to Stop Worrying about Money

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
                                                                 ―Lao Tzu

I like this quote because it reminds us that life is full of change and it’s our reaction to the change that creates our stress.

I am curious, Are You Blocking Your Money?

When we worry over our finances we are separating ourselves from our Divine Source. People are an avenue, which your income comes from. They are not your source. Money is an energy that you call forth to you or repel according to your thoughts and emotions. Worry repels money, appreciation and gratitude call it forth.

Worrying about money has been so ingrained in our culture today that it has literally become an epidemic. If we are not worrying over money and talking about it with our friends, then they may feel that something is wrong with us.

I don’t like how I feel when I worry about money. My body buzzes from the high stress and anxiety. I wake up exhausted from the lack of sleep. I’ve learned that worrying not only effects my health but my quality of life. It seems I’m not as present when I’m around others. My mind is focused on my worries and I miss out on the fun I could be having with my friends. As I go through this list see if you have any of these habits.

First, worry waste time, energy and keeps you from enjoying the moment.

You spend your time thinking about all possible negative outcomes of your situation. When you are spending your time in your head, you have less time to think about positive or productive things. You have a difficult time being in the moment and enjoying what’s going on around you.  Worrying accomplishes nothing except stress you out more. Worrying doesn’t let you enjoy the moment or activities with others and it uses up a lot of energy.

Second, worry it keeps you up at night.

There is nothing worse than having a long, tiring day and then not being about to fall asleep because your mind keeps worrying over your finances, which leaves you feeling helpless and hopeless. In this state of mind a new solution can’t appear. Then in the morning you feel sluggish and tired because you didn’t get a good night’s rest. Now you are short tempered and any little thing sets you off which cause a strain on your relationships. People are finding you difficult to be around and your fun factor has gone out the window. 

Third, all this worry is bad for your health

On top of lack of sleep you are now finding that you are getting headaches more or have tight muscle. Maybe your stomach is acting up and you have constant heartburn or your heart is beating faster. You feel that you may need to unwind from all the stress so you make smoke or drink more in an attempt to calm you nerves. Maybe you overeat sugar or fried food or under-eat as a way to escape your money issues.

You Can Turn This Around

All this worrying has gotten you nowhere, but you can turn this all around by changing the way you think and change what you are doing. When I am super stressed and worrying about my finances I ask myself, “What am I focused on?” Usually I notice I’m really in a negative state of mind, so I ask myself, “Do I want more of this?” Usually the answer is no. Then I move into a more positive state of mind by chanting an affirmation.

Here’s an Affirmation for today to help you stop worrying about money:

Divine Source is supporting me today in every area of my life, including my finances. I am now creating and manifesting miracles in my life. I am grateful for the opportunities that are now appearing.


Raise Your Vibration to Attract More Success

Do you have the desire to increase your income? Would you like to live a better life where you have more than enough money to do what you want when you want? There is something you can do to create your desire and raise your vibration.

Prosperity begins in the mind and it is impossible to hold a prosperous attitude when on is full of anxiety, worry or fear. It’s impossible to hold a prosperous attitude when one is worried, fretting over their bills and is full of doubt. We can’t attract wealth, when we have a lacking poverty consciousness. This lacking attitude drives away what we long for, which is prosperity, peace of mind and freedom.

When you raise your consciousness to a higher thought pattern and take action, magic happened. But question may arise, how do you do that?

To raise one’s vibration to the energy of success one needs to align their thoughts, feeling and actions to the energy of their desire. Success starts with the inner game. Your thoughts lead to your feelings which leads to your behavior and actions. Prosperity isn’t something that you acquire. It’s an attitude towards life. It is having a certain way of thinking and living.

 True prosperity is a shift in one’s consciousness. Simply stated its cause and effect. Prosperity is the cause within one’s mind and money is the effect of the shift within ones consciousness. When we learn to think a certain way we automatically attract prosperity.

Now here’s the part people forget. You just can’t think about success you have to take action and work towards it. You have to make the first move. The Universe can only support you if you are moving towards a desire. When you take the first step, then the Universe shows up to support you, while you are moving towards your desire. It is important to have a clear intention on the outcome you want to receive, but be open within the context that it will show up. As it will show up in the least unexpected ways. Sometimes it is even disguised as a struggle or obstacle. Be flexible to how it will show up. Don’t be so cemented to an idea that you miss the opportunity.

Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. The goal is to keep your thoughts positive towards your desire. Use language such as, “I can do it!” instead of I can’t or I don’t know how or it won’t work. When you have thoughts like these turn them around and reframe them. Tell yourself that is a made up story and it no longer is true today. Then tell yourself what it is that you do want. Here an intention you can affirm: Success is my Divine right. If others can do it I can do it too.  I am succeeding by leaps and bounds. Today I claim my success. It’s a good idea to say your intention a couple times in a row to help your subconscious mind absorb it.

Another step you could do is to notice how you are feeling during the day.

Have you ever played with your energy, you know the way you show up in the world. You can appear as a happy, easy going person who smile, as you greet others or you can be a grumpy, angry person who frowns at others. The choice to how you show up in the world is yours.

It’s really about your attitude and how you feel. Then your body supports your thoughts and feeling and the Universe give you feedback. How others respond to you is the feedback you receive.

The key is to notice if you feel heavy or light, up or down, sad or mad. If you are feeing heavy, down, sad or mad then it’s time to clear your energy to feel lighter. You are carrying around stuck energy that is no longer serving you. It is time to let it go. Let go the anger, resentment, guilt, shame and sadness. The Hawaiian prayer would be a good one to do for yourself if you are feeling guilty about something. You could cry into a pillow or beat it to express all the emotions you shoved down, such as sadness, resentment, anger or shame. The exercise I use the most is to feel the feelings and breathe through it, saying to myself, “I release this feeling.”  It is important to let these stored emotions go, so that they don’t cause pain or disease in the body.

The last step is to notice when you take action towards your desire. Are your thoughts and feelings positive, full of excitement and happy or are they the opposite? Full of worry, fear and doubt. As you go about your day stop occasionally and just notice how you are feeling. If you don’t like it shift it. The key is to stay 51% in the state of joy, love and happiness. Keep practicing shifting your emotions to keep your vibrational state at a higher rate. I know you can do.

 If you would like to learn more about how I could help you breakthrough to prosperity of manifest abundance in your life  just email me at and put mindset in the subject line and I’ll drop you an answer.


How Do You Talk About Money?

Lately I had the experience to be in two different situations and listen to how women speak about money. The first situation the woman was a small business owner who incorporated her business. She has had her corporation three years and is still struggling to pay the employees and rent. As she spoke I heard words like, “Why can’t I get ahead?” “I struggle every month just to pay the bill.” “I don’t pay myself, as there is nothing left at the end of the month.” “I keep pulling money out of my savings, just to pay the bills.” Can you relate to any of her statements?

I asked her, “What would financial security would look like for you?” She answered by saying, “Financial ease is what I really want.” “It would be a months of expensive in the saving account, to pay off all my credit cards every month and be debt free.”

Is that really too much to ask for? To have money in your savings account and be debt free. What would financial security look like for you? What do you want? Is it the same as this woman or is it something else?

For me, I like money in the bank and debt free, but I also would like to travel and see Paris. I would love to go back to Greece. I want to take a river boat cruise down the Rhine River and see the castles in Europe. I would love to teach a workshop in Australia, Bulgaria, and Switzerland.  To me, financial ease is freedom to do what I want, when I want. What is financial ease for you?

The next situation I was with a group of women at a friend’s home. It was art night and you were to bring the project you were working on. Some of the women brought a paintings or drawing they were working on, some brought a craft project and one woman even brought a chest to refinish. It was a mixture of women from art class, church, daughter’s friends, and longtime friends.

I chatted with many of the women and started listening to what they were talking about as I did my art project. What I noticed was there’s a group consciousness running through the group. I heard a few times how the government or big corporations were greedy. How the sister did such and such, because she was greedy. Somebody had such and such disease and the hospital was greedy. It was so expensive to have the surgery. Things keep going up. Have you noticed prices, they are skyrocketing.

This group had two common beliefs running and they probably were not even aware of them. The two beliefs were greedy and everything was expensive. They were coming from lack.

I invite you to listen to your group of friends to see what the common belief are that runs through the group or even your co-works that you hang out with at break time. What are they always talking about? Is the conversation benefiting you or is it keeping you in lack?

It is interesting what you uncover, when you start to listen at a deeper level. Whatever you uncover is there for you to work on with your own beliefs. Ask yourself, “Is it still true for you today?” If not let it go and don’t put any energy on it. If it’s not yours, so don’t take it on. Practice reframing the belief and let go of any beliefs that don’t serve you.

Now if you are having a really hard time with your limiting beliefs. I would love to help you unlock your prosperity.

I’m known as the abundant mindset expert who intuitively clears prosperity blocks. My specialty is shifting the inner game and releasing stuck energy, so that you can attract more money, success, prosperity and happiness in your life.

Just email me at and put “mindset” in the subject line. I would love to hear from you. 


Mastering Your Inner State

Mastering Your Inner State By Retraining Your Brain

Mastering your internal state doesn’t have to be hard when you know what to look out for. In this article you will learn how to transform a bad situation that full of regret into a wonderful opportunity for success, gratitude and happiness.

Are you living in regret or maybe resentment? Maybe, you are dwelling on a past event, where something happened to you? This past event gets replay in your mind over and over again, which building up more resentment or regret.

I know the feeling of rehashing an event. When I was in a custody suite with breast cancer. At night I would replay in my mind everything that happened that day in court and I would get angry all over again. Have you ever done anything like that? Replayed the event over and over again in your mind?

This is the window of the past that gets pulled into the future. Here’s the secret. The event doesn’t have to be negative. When you have the philosophy that everything happens for my best and highest good. It’s about shifting the emotional state of the event. Let me give you an example.

I was working six to seven part time jobs while trying to build my business in the evening and on week-ends. It was a struggle and most of the time I found myself too tired to be really productive. One day I said to myself, “I wish I had some extra time to work on my business.” Then, I went on with my life and within two weeks three of my part time jobs disappeared. One job didn’t have any work. One job the owner was on his normal pattern of letting the person go after one year. The other job shifted their business format. What I found interesting is that it all happened around the same time I wanted more time to work in my own business. 

When I first realized three of my income streams dried up. I panicked, because I needed the income. Then, I remembered I have to have trust, because something good is coming out of this. I don’t know what it is right now. I just know my good is there.

On the other hand if I stayed in worry, fear and anxiety thinking. I would have started to build up resentment or regret. If I let that resentment or regret run wild thinking and dwelling on it about the past. The resentment and regret would build bigger and bigger, creating more negative energy. This isn’t really good for your mind or your body, because stress in the body can cause dis-ease. I’ve already gone down that road with cancer twice.

If I hung onto all this resentment or regret would show up as fear in the future. Fear keeps you stuck and you don’t grow. You shut down your learning and life experiences. When you’re in fear your running from life. I don’t want to live in fear. Do you? Bottom line, resentment and regret in the past equals fear in the future.

The key here is to get ahold of you thinking and focus on the positive. When you focus on positive thoughts it shortens the window of past regret.

The sooner you can retrain your brain to focus on the blessing of the situation the quicker you’ll be happy. By retraining your brain to think a positive thought, such as gratitude. You are now shifting your emotional state and your mental state. Coming from gratitude will show up as faith and trust in the future. This is why it is so important to get control of your thoughts and clean up your past so that you can have happiness and faith in the future.

Right now you have a choice.  You can live your future in fear or you can live your future in faith. The choice is yours according to your style of thinking.

There are three styles of thinking that a person does. There is the past, the present and the future. Most people are taught to think negative and dwell on their past mistakes. We are not taught to think in the present moment or pay attention to our thoughts. Some people never think of the future and what they want out of life. They just go with the flow.

The past is just an experience that you had. You are the one choosing to label it good or bad. The present is just a moment in time and the future is only a thought away. My question to you is how do you want to live?

Action step

Take a few moments and really decide on how you want to live your life. Do you want to live in fear or faith?

Do you want to keep dwelling on past mistakes which builds up regret which leads to fear in the future?  

Or do you want to become aware of the present moment and focus on feeling gratitude? By shifting your emotional and mental state that of gratitude. It will show up as faith in the future.

How do you want to live?

Are You Focused or Sidetracked?

Are You Focused or Sidetracked?

Do you find it hard to stay focused and on track during your day? Do you start a project and then get sidetrack and find yourself doing something that wasn’t even planned. If you work at home, the distractions are everywhere. If you work in an office, the distractions could be the phone, email or your colleagues. Here is an acronym for the word focused.  

F. O. C. U. S.

F = follow

O = on

C = course

U = until

S = successful

Follow on Course until successful. Just focus on today and what needs to get done. The big picture may scare you, but the day to day steps are manageable. Fear drives your  thoughts and you will easily distract yourself and stop your progress. If you get into fear you are looking into the future, the big picture and you are not present.

Here are 3 questions to help you stay focused on your goal.

  1. What is one thing that I can do right now to move forward instead of looking at the big picture?
  2. Break it down into smaller steps. Ask yourself, “What are the steps?”
    1. What is my objective?
    2. What is my plan?
    3. What resources do I have or need?
    4. What challenges or obstacles might come up?
    5. Do I need to brainstorm with someone for feedback?
    6. Am I communicating clearly?
    7. What is revenue generating?
    8. Correct and continue.
    9. Celebrate your successes.
  3. What is the next step?
    1. What is my new objective?
    2. Block out time to create it.

Ask yourself, “What is the 1st thing I need to do next?” Do that until it is done.

While moving forward on your project, just notice if you are on course or not.  If not, then ask yourself, “I’m getting distracted. Do I want to be distracted right now?” Just by being aware if you are focused on your project or not will help you stay on track and get the project done.

Just for today practice staying focused for 30 minutes at a time. Set the times and see how much you can get done. Leave me a message and let me know how it goes.

How To Redirect Your Mind and Your Thinking

What do you spend most of your time thinking about? Are your thoughts benefiting you and your body?  Or are they hurting you by rehashing the past, worrying about something you have no control over? 

Perhaps your thoughts are in the future dreaming of what your life could be like? Did you know that you think 60, 000 thoughts a day and most of those thoughts are negative.

Your brain thinks negative and it’s your job to retrain and redirect your thoughts, but we don’t always know what we are thinking about, because we are running on auto pilot.   Driving is a good example of when we go on auto pilot. Have you ever drive somewhere and asked yourself, “How did I get here?” You drove on auto pilot. Your subconscious mind took over and got you safely where you wanted to go.

One way to know what you are thinking is to pay attention to your feelings. Just notice if you feel happy or sad, relaxed or stressed. This is a hint to what you are thinking. Feelings follow thought.

This pattern of the brain is left over from a time long forgotten. The reptilian brain was our first brain. It is the oldest of all the brains components. It controls the body’s vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature and balance. Its job is to keep us safe.

The second brain is known as the emotional brain. The limbic brain emerged in the first mammals. This part of the brain is the seat of our value and judgments that we make. It records memories of our behaviors that produced our experiences.

Now you know that feelings follow thought. Here is a key to changing your feelings. If you don’t like what you are feeling then change your thoughts and your feelings will change.

Now I bet you are thinking sure that sounds easier said than done. How do you go about shifting your emotions? One way to do this to think of a happy event.

Remember when you went to a great concert or saw a funny movie that made you laugh. Do you have a special pet that you love? If you have a child, do they do silly things that make you smile?

The memory I use to make myself feel better is about my son. He was two years old and it was Christmas morning. I gave him a gift to open. At first he was not sure what to do with it, but once I showed him how to open the gift he went wild. Every time anyone received a gift he was right there helping them open their gift. He was so cute and the room was full of love and laughter.

The reason why this works is because your mind can only think of one thing at a time. In the beginning it will take awareness, but after you do the exercise a few times it becomes easier to shift your emotions to a happier state.   

Today, I invite you to practice paying attention to your feelings and notice if you are happy, sad, frustrated or irritated. If you are unhappy in anyway shift your feelings by thinking of something that has brought you joy in the past. Pretty soon your whole attitude will shift and you will be thinking and feeling happy. Leave a comment and let me know how it goes.

Faith Opens Doors For Miracles To Happen

Faith Is Possibilities Taking Form.

The universe is on our side. It is constantly working on our behalf. There is an unseen force working for the good of all, but we are just not aware of these unfolding unseen forces. We forget that it is there and we try to do it on our own.

We try to direct, force and control this unseen force, but we only interfere with it. One has to have faith and trust that the unseen force is on our side. Trust in the unseen force that moves the Universe and have faith it knows what it is doing.

When we relax our willingness allows it to work on our behalf. Faith is the force of things hoped for that works through the evidence of things not seen. Faith is the trust we function on. It is an idea of possibilities taking form. It is the power to create.

When one has faith and focuses on a positive outcome.  The situation changes, but one must hold the truth top of mind, for example: the custody suit I was in was stuck. I was done fighting and I wanted the whole thing to be finished. I switched my thinking around by focusing on a positive outcome instead of all the fighting and having faith everything would turn out okay.

Believing what is beyond, what is visible  ~Michael Beckworth

Faith is to believe in, what you don’t see. One of the most important things to have in life is the deep feeling of faith. One may have faith in the fact that life is here to support you and that the universe works in order and perfection, even if you can’t seem to see it or understand it.

Real faith is believing that no matter whatever is happening right now, it is always for your best and highest good, even if you disagree with it. For in the unseen there is a gift or lesson that you just haven’t understood yet.

Faith opens the door for miracles to happen.

Faith is allowing it to unfold.
