Business Reading

Discover What Your Business Wants You To Know

This is the Perfect Time for Guidance, Direction and Reassurance

on the Action Steps to Take in Your Business.

Set Yourself Up for Success Today!


Are you an entrepreneur or small business owner who’s feeling blocked, confused, or stuck, not knowing which path to take in your business?

Are you in need of direction, clarity, or validation in your business? 

Have you ever thought there’s too much going on in my head, such as impostor syndrome, fear of success, or not asking for what you’re worth?

Are you judging yourself or do you feel a lack of confidence to move forward in your business?

You know, what you have to say is valuable, but wonder how to get recognition, build your business, and find clients.

Or worst yet, you have lost your drive and passion for what you do. You are tired of working hard and wondering what to do differently?

Do you have a book in your head, but just haven’t figured out where to start?


Are you ready to break through uncertainty, blocks, and stuckness

to get clearer on the direction to take in your business?

This is what happens when you receive a business reading from me. You’ll have confirmation, confidence, and practical information that you can use in your business. You’ll know the next step or direction to go.  You will walk away with clarity, direction, and action steps. You will feel inspired to take action and feel more relaxed and at ease now knowing you’re going in the right direction.


Why not get a business reading to see

what your business wants you to know?


This is the perfect time for guidance, direction, and reassurance on the action steps to take in your business.


The above questions were just a few of the things I was asked when I gave readings to entrepreneurs on their businesses.  After the business reading these same entrepreneurs felt totally different. They felt the passion and excitement come back. They were clearer on the direction to take in their business. A few even received an outline for their book and steps to get started in a new direction and so much more.

Just listen to what others said…

I knew Jolen could help me with direction in my business as I was feeling stuck and not focused. I knew she could tap into the level that I tap into. She could tap into my business without her blocks getting in the way. I enjoyed her ability to connect, align, and direct me in the reading. She saw my work and assisted in uncovering a book or two within me and gave me the steps on how to write it.  I liked that she was able to help me focus on the next step of my business. My favorite part was that she could see my work without understanding it.  My second favorite part was that I received some action steps to make the decision on which book to write first and the focus on what my book would be about. I would highly recommend Jolen to others and I’m going to tell my other clients that they need to work with you.

~Barbera Ammahlia Schaefer-Berdner


I found my reading with Jolen very helpful. She did a great job of taping into my business and validating things that are already showing up, like the pine tree and Ho’oponopono. I found value in receiving an additional layer of guidance and the conversation about letting go of the old story as I questing for the for story that wants to be told that isn’t the cement block story. A new lighter story that wants to be told. I loved the fact she saw gold coins and the self-made wall.  Water keeps flowing and I allow my money to flow to me now. “Be in flow” resonated with me.

~Emerald GreenForest 


I’m very grateful for Jolen’s business reading. She understood what I was going through. She really got it and was able to help me unwind and unravel, just what I need in order to make a clear decision around who it is I want to hire. The key for me was to be the CEO and not the healer all the time. I love that the Angels are celebrating with me and my successful year. I am continuing in this growth and expansion. I liked all of it.

~Lisa McCracken Thomas



I’m Running A Special Right Now.

Discover what your business wants you to know.

Only $47 for a 30-minute business reading valued at $79 

Sign up today!


Business Reading

Bundled sessions:

You can use it anytime during the year. The more sessions you buy the more you save. 

3 Business readings $237   Special $175   (save $62)

5 Business readings $395   Special $275   (save $120)

7 Business readings $555   Special $375    (Best Deal! save $180)


Here are what others had to say about their business reading…

All the information I heard was valuable. I was feeling challenged on how to get recognition and find the right clients as I built my business.  Jolen was very accurate in her business reading.  I loved the process as it was very understandable, practical, clear, and specific to what I do. Everything I hear resonated with me and I also learned new information. She was right on when she said I’m a bridge between two worlds as a shamanic healer.

~Wendy Flaherty


The business reading I had from Jolen confirmed I am moving in the right direction. I have confidence in her ability because through the reading it kept reinforce the messages I’ve received, such as the power animal. I love the new confidence within myself that my goal is attainable, keep charging ahead.  All that’s stopping me are old beliefs, which require me to step through them.  I like that she brought in colors, which tied into the creative piece for me. It was interesting I was able to bring color in to help my chi building. She has an easy process that is very clear and direct. The reading provided me with practical information that I can use in my business.

~Robyn Tague


Jolen was right on target. She could read my energy and affirmed just where I was at in my business and life. She confirmed my suspicion that I’ve been putting certain things on the back burner and just need to follow through with them.  I was stuck and not sure which way to go. I had two different business ventures I could take, but with her help, I now have a clear path and feel inspired to take action on it.

~Dot Claire



It was exactly what I needed. I was feeling doubt and fear around my business as I’m stepping into something new. I felt reassurance with Jolen business reading that I’m right on track. I have proof now that I really have mastered my skills to do this new business venture. My goals and the next step unfolded with ease. I felt reassured that I have the support I need. She showed me in an abundance of cards I have the support and I have everything I need.  It’s all lining up. The reading for me was very helpful and was good timing, as it answered a lot of questions.  I feel more relaxed and at ease now knowing I am going in the right direction, as an operations coach.

~Gayle Bode


From Jolen’s business reading, I discovered a new path is shifting and unfolding in my business. This was exactly what I needed to hear. The reading was confirmation that I’m stuck and surrendering to a new path. It confirmed that I’m supposed to do a confidence tool kit and it’s the right direction I need to go. Also, I kept thinking I needed to write a book this year, but I always wondered, “What am I to write about?”   With Jolen’s clarity I know have a starting point. This is the year to do it and I’m so excited to get started on my new program and book.

~Erin Summ



I totally appreciated my business reading with Jolen. She was wonderful. My energy started to flutter like butterflies full of excitement. The reading with her was very comforting. I gained great clarity and more confidence. It was amazing as I gained a lot of valuable information and insights into my business and employees.

~Michele Gnutzman



I loved the symbols and sharing with Jolen in my business reading. She explained the card’s messages really well even if they looked scary they weren’t. She was honest with her feedback and has really good intuition. I really was grateful for my business reading as it uncovered a new direction for me to go.

~Michelle McClintock


I loved knowing that all the puzzle pieces are coming together. I was having fear of being me and stepping into who I really am. It’s like walking two worlds. Jolen confirmed my life journey and inner challenges in my business reading. She also could tap into the fact that I had one foot in my old life and one foot in my new life. I love the guidance and clarity I received from her on who I am becoming and through this insight, she shared a few ways to stop the inner struggle and self-judgement.

~Samantha Christiansen


Jolen is a bright light that glows and shines. I enjoyed my reading with her. I found it very accurate and I liked the validation of knowing I am in the right place and love my work.

~Nancy Karas



I invite you to sign up today for your business reading to see what your business wants you to know. Don’t let another month go by or even a year.

Sign up today and stop all the struggle of wondering what to do next.


Why Not Say Yes to You and Yes to Your Dreams!

 Discover What Your Business Wants You to Know.

Only $47 for a 30-minute business reading valued at $79  

Sign Up Today!

The business reading will take place on Zoom. After you sign up for the business reading a link will be sent to you to schedule your reading. I’m looking forward to connecting with you and sharing what your business wants you to know.