3 Steps for Showing Up Different

Watching, Listening and Contemplating

In this time of change how do you want to show up when it’s all over? Today’s thoughts lead to your emotions and your emotions lead to your behavior, which turn out to be your character. Do you like how you are showing up?  

Yes, these are challenging times that we are all going through right now. Did you know today’s thoughts are creating tomorrow’s emotions and behaviors, which are creating tomorrow’s new habits and character? We can’t show up in the old same way. It wasn’t working.

The last few days I’ve been watching, listening and contemplating. I’ve been watching my behavior and actions. I’ve noticed that there are some great things I really like and somethings that need to be changed.  I’ve been listening to my intuition and I’ve been contemplating my thoughts.


Have you watched your behavior and actions during the last few weeks? If you haven’t I invite you to start today. Are there things you are doing that no longer serve you? Are you sitting around too much watching tv, eating too much sugar, not exercising or being a slob?   

Were you working so much that you never really knew your loved ones and now your home all day you are really getting to know them better? Are you enjoying bike rides, family game night or putting a puzzle together.

What behaviors do you like and what behavior would you like to change? Did you know the behaviors we see in others that we don’t like are what we don’t like about ourselves. They are just a mirror mirroring back to us our behaviors. If you change the ones you don’t like, then the behavior in the other person will change.



Do you take time out of your day to quietly sit and listen? You might meditate or do yoga. You might journal or sit in the garden and watch the birds. It’s important to connect in every day and listen to the wisdom of your intuition.


Have you ever paid attention to your thoughts? If not I invite you to observe your thoughts for a day and contemplate them. Just notice if you have thoughts that support you or do you beat yourself up?  Is there one area that you continually think about? It could be about your health or weight, your finances or your relationship.   

Why is this important?

If you stay in fear, grief and confusion you are teaching yourself a new behavior which will turn into your new character. We’ve been in this for about a month now. It takes a month to form a new habit. How are you showing up now compared to when all of this started? The way you are behaving right now, is this how you want your future to be?  I invite you to watch your behavior and change the ones you don’t like. Take time each day to pause and listen. Connect to nature and see the beauty of a tree that stands so tall and strong. Observe your thoughts and contemplate the ones that serve you and let go of the ones that don’t. Though this you can show up with a new character. One that is supportive, calm and happy. The choice is yours.