Why it’s Important to Stop Worrying about Money

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
                                                                 ―Lao Tzu

I like this quote because it reminds us that life is full of change and it’s our reaction to the change that creates our stress.

I am curious, Are You Blocking Your Money?

When we worry over our finances we are separating ourselves from our Divine Source. People are an avenue, which your income comes from. They are not your source. Money is an energy that you call forth to you or repel according to your thoughts and emotions. Worry repels money, appreciation and gratitude call it forth.

Worrying about money has been so ingrained in our culture today that it has literally become an epidemic. If we are not worrying over money and talking about it with our friends, then they may feel that something is wrong with us.

I don’t like how I feel when I worry about money. My body buzzes from the high stress and anxiety. I wake up exhausted from the lack of sleep. I’ve learned that worrying not only effects my health but my quality of life. It seems I’m not as present when I’m around others. My mind is focused on my worries and I miss out on the fun I could be having with my friends. As I go through this list see if you have any of these habits.

First, worry waste time, energy and keeps you from enjoying the moment.

You spend your time thinking about all possible negative outcomes of your situation. When you are spending your time in your head, you have less time to think about positive or productive things. You have a difficult time being in the moment and enjoying what’s going on around you.  Worrying accomplishes nothing except stress you out more. Worrying doesn’t let you enjoy the moment or activities with others and it uses up a lot of energy.

Second, worry it keeps you up at night.

There is nothing worse than having a long, tiring day and then not being about to fall asleep because your mind keeps worrying over your finances, which leaves you feeling helpless and hopeless. In this state of mind a new solution can’t appear. Then in the morning you feel sluggish and tired because you didn’t get a good night’s rest. Now you are short tempered and any little thing sets you off which cause a strain on your relationships. People are finding you difficult to be around and your fun factor has gone out the window. 

Third, all this worry is bad for your health

On top of lack of sleep you are now finding that you are getting headaches more or have tight muscle. Maybe your stomach is acting up and you have constant heartburn or your heart is beating faster. You feel that you may need to unwind from all the stress so you make smoke or drink more in an attempt to calm you nerves. Maybe you overeat sugar or fried food or under-eat as a way to escape your money issues.

You Can Turn This Around

All this worrying has gotten you nowhere, but you can turn this all around by changing the way you think and change what you are doing. When I am super stressed and worrying about my finances I ask myself, “What am I focused on?” Usually I notice I’m really in a negative state of mind, so I ask myself, “Do I want more of this?” Usually the answer is no. Then I move into a more positive state of mind by chanting an affirmation.

Here’s an Affirmation for today to help you stop worrying about money:

Divine Source is supporting me today in every area of my life, including my finances. I am now creating and manifesting miracles in my life. I am grateful for the opportunities that are now appearing.