Are you wishing some part of your life would be better or happier? You know that it is possible, because you see others who have it all. They have a nice home, a great paying job, they drive a new BMW and are in a loving relationship.
According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary prosper means: To favor; to render successful, to become strong and flourishing, marked by success or economic well-being. Prosper is defined as to do well or succeed in life. It implies easy access to all that is good and desirable to have a satisfying life.
How do you have a prosperous life?
Prosperity is simply a choice. What do I mean by that? Living prosperous is not a matter of what you actually have, but how you think. You can live a prosperous life by simply making a few changes in your own thinking. One of the easiest ways to do that is to appreciate what you already have.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “A man is what he thinks about all day long.”
Where’s your focus? What are you thinking about? Are you looking at what you don’t have, what you need or want? When you think this way you are coming from lack. You are focused on what you don’t have. When we get into a state of lack we can’t think of anything else. It’s at the fore front of our mind.
You may be wondering, why is this important?
It is important because, Divine substance is shaping itself around your thoughts and materializing it in your life. The thoughts you think are creating your life. The secret is to keep your mind off your troubles and keep them centered in your good. Focus on a desired outcome that you want.
You cannot build a new consciousness of prosperity until you have cleared a space for it. You do that by eliminating the old lack, limiting, poverty thoughts. It is about expanding your consciousness to accept more good into your life. One does that by releasing the thoughts that don’t serve you anymore.
When you focus on your good, your mind starts to tune out the limiting thoughts. You can do this by asking yourself, “Is this still true for me today?” If not, then reframe the thought, right then and there. Another thing you can do is to cancel the thought. Right after you are aware of the negative thought, immediately say the word, “Cancel.” You will want to say it three times in a row. The reason why is because it takes three times before your brain pays attention.
One action you can take today towards reframing your mindset is to start looking at nature.
Think about a tree. You see a big, strong, brown trunk that branches off to many smaller branches that hold its leaves. A tree doesn’t have one leaf on it. There are hundreds. Take it a step further by thinking about prosperity, abundance and there is more than enough. There is an abundance of leaves on the tree. There is an abundance of branches.
Let’s take an apple tree for example. When an apple tree blooms there are tons of beautiful pink flowers that turn into big red, succulent apples. When the tree is so full of ripe, sweet, juicy apples the branches are bending over and touching the ground. Apples fall off in abundance. In Nature there are no limitations. It is all about abundant. You were created like the apple tree. Therefore you too are abundant. Let’s be open to accepting our abundance. It is our natural
By thinking about abundance this way you are focusing on your good instead of lack. You have shifted your mind set from lack to more than enough and then you are proving it to yourself by find abundance in your world around you.
Poverty and prosperity are states of mind. Every effect is because of its cause. If there were no lacking, poverty thoughts there would be no poverty conditions. Thought equals condition. Cause equals effect. Inner concept equals outer effect. As a man thinketh, which is on the inside, so he is on the outside.
I leave you with this thought. Where is your focus? Is it on your desire or what you are lacking in your life? Before a desire can appear it must first be thought of and believed. Your power to tune in the good is your secret strategy to success. What will you focus on today?