3 Mistakes of Manifestation

What I have noticed is that some people make a few mistakes when it comes to manifesting their goals and desires. These few mistakes prevent them from achieving their dream and deepest desires.

Here are the 3 mistakes of manifestation

The biggest mistake I found is that most people don’t really know what they want.

If you ask your friend what they want usually they tell you what they don’t want. For example: a friend and I were going to go out to dinner. We were deciding what type of food we wanted to eat. My friend said, “I had Mexican for lunch, so I don’t want that.” I don’t like Italian, so that’s out. How about a steak house? No, we don’t have enough time as we have to be at our destination in one hour. If we can’t make up our mind what we want for dinner how are we going to decide what we want in life?   

You create your reality with your thoughts and feelings. If you keep flip, flopping and jump from one desire to another without asking yourself, “Why do I want it?” or what is the reason why it’s important? You will never receive it. The reason and why are important to know. They help motivate you towards your desire. The key here is to get clear on what it is that you really do want and why is it important to you.

The second mistake is setting the wrong type of goals.

We often set goals that we think will bring us the happiness that we are searching for. The truth is that nothing outside of yourself can bring you happiness. Sure a new car or a beautiful new home will bring you happiness, but after a while that happiness fades. Then, you’re left wondering why aren’t  I happy? Or where did my happiness go?

In order to set goal that connect to your happiness you have to find out why you want what you want. One way to do that is by ask yourself a few questions to get clear on why you want it.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself…

  • Why do I want this?
  • How will it make my life better?
  • Who is it going to benefit besides myself?

The answers to these questions will help you get clear about the goals you are setting. Often we want things that don’t really matter all that much and we waste a lot of time and energy concentrating on the wrong type of goal.

The key here is to figure out the reason why you want that goal. What will it bring you? And what will that do for you? And why is that important to you? Keep drilling down until you get to the main reason.

That is your big why. Your big why will be your driving force, as you work on your goal. When I did this exercise I found out that the reason why I want a successful business is to help others.

Then, I kept drilling down.  What will that give me? And what will that give me and what will that give me? I uncovered that having a successful business would give me freedom, happiness, expansion, spiritual growth, connections, growth and then I uncovered my driving force to help others is all about fulfilling my mission.

 Now that you know what you want and the main reason why you want it.  The next step is to visualize it.  You can visualize sitting on a chair or in your car waiting for the stop light to change colors. Any time during the day and also during a meditation. Visualization simply means that you image our desired outcome for your future. When you visualize be sure to add feelings of excitement as you imagine yourself being or doing your desire.

The third mistake is thinking negative thoughts

We all have negative thoughts floating around in our head. They have been put there from our early childhood years. The key today is not to continuing think negatively and believe them or dwell on the negative thoughts.

The reason why according to the Law of Manifestation is what you think about you bring about. In one way or another you manifest everything you think about. The key here is to monitor your thoughts. When you find yourself thinking negatively. Cancel it or say, “Stop.”  Then say something positive five times in a row to cancel out the negative thought.

When we take the time to monitor our thoughts we can uncover the beliefs that stop us from creating our desire.  

Now that we have uncovered the 3 biggest mistakes to Manifesting and how to turn them around to create our desires. I curious which step are you going to start with first.

Are you going to sit down and get clear on what it is that you want and why you want it or are you going to pay attention to your thoughts and language?