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to unlock your prosperity from the inside out

by rewiring your mind to money, wealth and abundance.

Money, Wealth & Abundance MP3

Unlock Your Prosperity From The Inside-out

key-1013662_960_720You hold the key to prosperity, wealth and happiness. Once you unlock the secrets to this key through the power of your thoughts, your life will shift. The tide will turn and success will be yours.

Have you ever asked yourself, “Is this all there is?”

Did you feel like you are made for more, but you don’t know how to get there?  You feel a calling for something bigger and better. Knowing there’s more to life than what you are living.

Are you tired of the same prosperity challenges that never seem to change? Are you struggling to feel empowered? Are you tired of wondering if you’ll get enough money to pay your bills each month? Are you on the vicious cycle of feast or famine? It’s time to stop the madness!

Are you ready to create financial freedom?

By shifting your prosperity consciousness it allows us to experience greater financial abundance. When we are in lack and scarcity thinking it is an invitation to shift our limiting beliefs and thoughts about money. By changing your focus you shift your perspective and changes your believe system, which changes your life.

You’ll learn how to breakthrough emotional and mental blocks so that you can transform your life and live from your magnificent self and fullest potential. Break Through To Prosperity is more than creating money. It’s about creating a life you love where you are happy to get up every morning doing what you love.

Jolen knows this first hand and knows it works! After undergoing her own searching journey of how to survive a rare type of breast cancer, verbal abuse with no income. All while going through a custody suit. Then, a year later Jolen survived kidney cancer.

Using her knowledge Jolen created a program to help herself through those challenging time. Now she shares her wisdom and experience by helping you release your limiting beliefs and stuck emotions caused  in order to find your strength, freedom and joy. She teaches you how to find the power within yourself to transform your perception, integrate and energize a new way of being.

Jolen specializes in helping women just like you to attract more happiness and prosperity into their lives by clearing their limiting beliefs, release their resistance and building a positive, happy new life.

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